Tom Rakocevic MPP, Humber River–Black Creek

Government of Ontario

FREE PSA tests

Prostate Cancer tests should be free. For 5 years my colleagues and I have been asking for the government to cover the cost of lifesaving prostate cancer tests under OHIP. The proposed bill has the support of the Canadian Cancer Society. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in Canada and this year alone 5,000 men will die because of this devastating disease, however, when it is detected early, nearly 100% will survive 5 years or longer. I have heard the stories of many men who did not opt for the test because they assumed if it was important it would have been covered by OHIP.

To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario,

WHEREAS prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men;

WHEREAS it is estimated that in 2019, 22,900 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 4,100 men will die from prostate cancer;

WHEREAS the PSA test, a test that measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, is considered the best test for prostate cancer at early stages before other symptoms appear, and can detect prostate cancer when the survival rate is close to 100%;

WHEREAS leading experts on prostate cancer, such as Prostate Cancer Canada, endorse the Ontario government covering the PSA test;

We the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to ensure that Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing is covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan for all eligible residents of Ontario.

22 signatures

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